Sunday 13 March 2016

All About wolf 1061c , kepler-442b , kepler-438b

Wolf 1061c or can be called WL 1061c is an Exoplanet Orbiting within the habitable zone Of the red dwarf star.Wolf 1061c is about 13.8 light year ( light year = nearly 6 trillion miles )

Wolf is a rocky planet, its mass is about 4.3 times that of earth and radius is over 1.5 so its either near or possibly higher than earth 


Kepler-442b Is a confirmed Exoplanet ( almost the same as kepler-438b ) , likely rocky , orbiting in the habitable zone of k-type star.
About 1.120 light year from earth.
Kepler-442b is an exoplanet with a radius 1.34 times earth. The surface gravity is only 30% stronger than earth 

Kepler-438b is a confirmed Exoplanet , likely rocky , orbiting in the Habitable zone of the Red Dwarf.
Its about 470 light year from earthDiscovered by NASA using Transit method ( some people say can be lived some people dont because the amout of radiation )

Earth and Kepler-438b


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